Sunday, May 24, 2020

I Am A Business Management Essay - 1461 Words

Urban areas are very important to our economy, cities are full of different people with different abilities and most are in need of jobs. Living close to Flint and being in Flint every week, reminds me of all the people that could use jobs in urban areas. I am a Business Management Major with a focus in Entrepreneurship and when I applied to college I had a long talk with my parents about what I would want to do once I graduate. As I progressed throughout my years of school I tried so hard to find something I’m interested in that I would want to pursue when I graduated. I am about to graduate and I have done some serious thinking and discussing with my parents about business ideas. This past summer we settled on an idea of a skin care facility; not like a dermatologist office. My mom had some interest in going to a trade school to become an esthetician and looked into different schools to attend. This interest started because she has always cared about her skin and always talks to my sister and me about how important it is to take care of our skin at a young age. My mom has gone to the dermatologist to get skin spots removed, and so has my dad, so they both are very serious about skin care. Therefore, this is where the idea of a skin care facility came about. Not only is this idea about skin care there are other services offered that focus on skin rejuvenation, such as Botox and laser hair removal. It is important to keep our skin healthy from the beginning stages of ourShow MoreRelatedI Am An Plan Of The Next Year During My Master Of Business Management Program1612 Words   |  7 PagesDevelopment Plan Simranjit Singh Student Id 201500154 Date 28/7/15 Dr. Venkatesh Mahadnevan Summary: In this learning and creating system i am composing an plan of the next year during my Master of Business Management program. 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